Do Atheists Just Believe in One Fewer Gods Than Christians?

“I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” —Stephen F Roberts In discussions over the existence of God, many atheists seem to assume that anything that can be labeled “god” counts toward what informed…

Christian De-Conversion: A Catholic Discussion

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by apologist, speaker, and author Dr. Douglas Beaumont to discuss the phenomenon of Evangelical Christians “de-converting” and leaving the Christian faith. From his research-based perspective, and with the experience of a convert, Dr. Beaumont talks about some of the factors that go into what causes…

One of the Worst Arguments Against Atheism

Introduction There are a lot of good arguments for theism / against atheism (like the argument from contingency). There are also some good ones which unfortunately have been misused so often that they have been identified as bad ones (like Pascal’s Wager). Even more unfortunately, there are also some genuinely bad ones (like the argument from the banana), and some of these are…