Responding to The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil is an ancient difficulty that arises from the question of how an all-powerful, all-good God could exist given the amount of evil in the world. While atheism has no good response to evil, and theism has some very good ones – Christianity alone can account for both evil and suffering in…

The End of Man (Happiness!)

“Truly here is the light of the Church. Here he found the entire way of discipline.” Why Are We Here? This life often does not make sense to us. It can seem like a wildly fun ride one moment, and a terrifying roller coaster the next. Undeserving people often seem to have it easy, while…

Aquinas on Abortion

Introduction The Christian Church was against  against abortion from the earliest days (see The Fathers on Abortion). It can be something of an embarrassment, then, for Christians to discover that the views of the Church’s greatest theologian, Thomas Aquinas, have been used to support abortion. The specific view in question has to do with Aquinas’s statement that God created the rational human…