Why Don’t Catholics Have An Infallible Bible Commentary?

Catholics often accuse Protestants of following mere private interpretations of Sacred Scripture. But the Catholic Church has no official list of authoritative Bible interpretations. What’s the point of having an infallible Church if it does not (cannot?) produce an infallible commentary on Scripture? Doesn’t that make the Catholic Church’s Bible interpretation just as fallible as…

Can We Know Truth?

At Jesus’ trial, Pilate asked, “What is truth” At another time, Jesus said he was the Truth (Jn. 14:6) and today Christianity claims to be true. But can we know truth? Don’t illusions and hallucinations prove we do not know reality? In this video, we’ll take a look at what the truth is and how…

Can We Understand the Bible Without the Church? (A Discussion with Author Casey Chalk)

We’ve all heard the Catholic claim that the Protestant reliance on Sola Scriptura (the “Bible Alone”) has only caused division in the Church and heresy to become acceptable – but is there a deeper, more important issue? In his book “The Obscurity of Scripture: Disputing Sola Scriptura and the Protestant Notion of Biblical Perspicuity,” author…

Confusing Arguments for the Existence of God

In this article I wish to offer some clarification on different categories of arguments for the existence of God. I am not weighing in on the relative value any of them here. Rather, I am just pointing out some distinctions and categories that are often confused or missed at the popular level. Also, due to non-standard…

Is God Impossible?

When St. Thomas Aquinas wrote his great Summa Theologiae, he listed only two objections to the existence of God (the problem of evil and the apparent ability of science to explain everything), even though he tried to list at least three objections to each of his views. During my doctoral studies, however, I came across…