The Real Problem with Protestant Biblical Interpretation

This is a follow up to my video Could This Bible Verse Destroy Protestantism? With over 75,000 views, 4,500 likes, and 3,400 comments in its first year, it is probably the most popular video on my channel. But almost no one gets it. Even after responding to hundreds and hundreds of comments and pinning an…

Review of the Foundations of Faith Catholic Catechism by Ascension Press

In support of the Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Press – the publishers of the Great Adventure Catholic Bible – has released a new edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The first of its kind, this beautiful edition has special “Foundations of Faith” contents and color coding that…

Why Jesus Christ is Not a Human Person

It may sound odd (or even blasphemous) to say that Jesus Christ is not a human person, but this is precisely true. The problem is that this is a very metaphysically precise statement and most people have not been introduced to the relevant philosophical distinctions required to make proper sense of it. Here I will…

Evangelical Conversion Conversation

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by one of our favourite guests of all time, Dr. Douglas Beaumont, to talk about Evangelical Christian conversions to Catholicism. Doug is a convert himself and a former student, then instructor, at Southern Evangelical Seminary where he worked, as a graduate student, under the late Evangelical…

Confusing Arguments for the Existence of God

In this article I wish to offer some clarification on different categories of arguments for the existence of God. I am not weighing in on the relative value any of them here. Rather, I am just pointing out some distinctions and categories that are often confused or missed at the popular level. Also, due to non-standard…

Gluten-Free or Non-Alcoholic Communion?

Due to modern ailments, there are many today who cannot physically tolerate ingesting gluten or alcohol. How, then, can they receive our Lord’s body and blood in the Eucharist during Communion? There are two errors that come from misunderstanding the Church’s teachings on the Eucharist. On one end of the spectrum (especially among Protestants, but…